Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pc Doc Pro Tips to Upgrade Your PC

How to Upgrade Your PC Space

Upgrading your PC is a great way to save some of your cash; swapping out old hardware for newer, faster components is often cheaper than buying a new PC, and if armed with some technical knowledge, can match the results, speed and pep, of a newer computer. It’s wise to come up with a game plan before you start randomly upgrading parts, though.

Consider what your PC already has inside and make a note of it. There’s no sense in upgrading your memory if you already have the maximum amount your motherboard will allow, and if you’re seeking a performance boost, doubling your RAM can often be easier and cheaper than doing a CPU transplant. A good PC upgrade plan consists of knowing your current hardware, doing a little research, and finally, doing the hardware install.

Memory—also known as RAM or random access memory—should be at the top of your list when considering your upgrade plan. Installing more memory usually results in a noticeable spring in your PC’s step and a saving of cash. Before purchasing more RAM, be sure to consult your PC’s manual to discover the type of memory your PC’s motherboard is compatible with.

Here are a few things to ponder before obtaining more memory: If a memory module’s access time is low, it’ll support a CPU with a high bus rate, and if your CPU has a high bus frequency, it’ll behoove you to buy high quality memory.

Do you tax your PC with cycle hungry tasks like playing 3D games or editing digital videos? Or perhaps your PC came stock with an onboard graphics card and you’ve a spare slot just waiting for a faster graphics adapter to give your rig a little more pep. This type of upgrade can be costly, so be sure you know what type of performance boost you need.

For example, if all you do is surf the web, check email, and type up the occasional Word document, it doesn’t make sense to acquire a $600 graphics card equipped with the cutting edge of 3D rendering hardware. Also, consult your PC’s manual to determine the type of bus—PCI Express, AGP, PCI, etc.—your motherboard supports for its graphics adapters. Once you’ve acquired your graphics card of choice, the installation should be straightforward and painless.

With mp3s, digital photographs, and videos quickly eating up precious hard drive space, a hard drive upgrade is a must if you don’t want to run out of space for future files. Grafting on an extra 200 gigabytes to your system for your files to reside on is faster and less of a hassle than having to backup to a thumb drive or DVD.

Most hard drive upgrade kits sold provide software that will allow you to easily transfer the entire contents of your old hard drive. This saves you from the laborious job of backing up all your files and doing a clean install of Windows on the new hard drive. Swapping out your older hard drive for a newer model will typically decrease loading and saving times, resulting in a noticeable improvement of your computer

Many PC gamers and aficionados upgrade their motherboards to stay on the cutting edge of computer technology. But if you’ve a plan for a new mobo, make sure you don’t have a proprietary PC—think Dell, HP, IBM, et al.—as in some instances you’ll need to purchase a new case just to get it to squeeze in, and you’ll often spend several times as much for the newer main board than you did for the older one.

Upgrading the components in your PC can give your old computer a much needed spring in its step. But before you open up your wallet and your PC’s case, be sure to have a game plan before performing transplant surgery on your box.

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