Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pc Doc Pro Computer Tips and Other Miscellany

Computer Tips and Other Miscellany

One of the cool things about the computing world is that it’s definitely not static: there’s always something to learn, download or play; technology is perpetually improving and getting faster and cheaper. It’s easy to become a more efficient user when you know the various tricks to make your computing experience more fluid and convenient. In this article, I’d like to explore some of the more useful tricks and programs one can download to better their PC, making computing more enjoyable all around.

A Better Uninstaller

Windows’ default Add/Remove program is sufficient for uninstalling most programs, but it affords the user little power over the entire uninstall process. If you’re craving a little more clout over your uninstall procedures, grab yourself a copy of MyUninstaller, an alternative to Microsoft’s uninstall applet that comes stock with Windows.

MyUninstaller isn’t the silent type, so it’ll let you see the path to the program you’re uninstalling, the date you installed it, the label of the uninstall program, and other information that comes in handy when you need to troubleshoot a program.

Get Back Online Gracefully

It seems to happen at the most inopportune time: you’re attempting to check your email or pay your bills online, and then, all of a sudden, your connection to the internet decides to roll over and die. It’s common for users to lose their internet connection right after they’ve uninstall an application or right after a piece of spyware is removed from their system. The culprit may be a misbehaving Winsock setting that was altered during the prior uninstall activity.

There’s a free utility that can rectify the misbehavior of those mysterious networking sockets to get you back online quickly. It’s aptly named WinSock XP Fix. The process is simple: run WinSock XP Fix, reboot your PC, and wait for your connection to establish itself with the internet.

Organize Chaotic Desktop Icons

Your Desktop is the ideal place to store all your shortcut icons, but the more you have on your desktop, the bigger the mess that occurs when Windows hiccups and leaves your icons in disarray. Simply switching user accounts or changing your display’s resolution is enough to botch up your desktop’s icons. There’s a simple solution to this, and it’s called SaveMyDesktop.

This wonderful, free tool can save and restore the exact location of every icon on your desktop, so when disaster strikes your desktop, just command SaveMyDesktop to restore everything to its pristine state.

Tweaking Out Windows

If you get a kick out of tweaking out Windows’ myriad settings and options, you’ve probably used the popular TweakUI program to accomplish this. There’s another utility that goes by the name of Tweakomatic , and it is akin to TweakUI’s functionality, only it’s more powerful. This utility probably won’t be of much use or interest to novice users, but if you’re a true tech geek, then this little program is for you. Give it a try and discover just what makes Windows tick.

Pc Doc Pro provides us the complete solution and tactics for Pc Doc Pro Computer Tips, Computer Tips and Other Miscellany, pcdocpro computer tips, Better Uninstaller, pc doc pro Better Uninstaller, Organize Chaotic Desktop, pcdocpro Tweaking Out Windows.

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