Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pc Doc Pro: How to Use Laptop

Useful Laptop Tips

Laptops are great if you’re always out and about or want to save some desk real estate with the tiny foot print a laptop takes up as opposed to a bigger desktop system. There’s just something cool about folding up your computer to go outside in the summer breeze to type up your essay or to blog about the events of the day. But there are disadvantages to having a laptop.

Battery life is certainly an issue; if you don’t have an extra battery or you’ve no way to charge it back up, you’re pretty much out of luck until you find a way. And because of the tiny size of laptop computers, many dishonest people will not think twice about stealing one. So now that we’ve established the cool factor of laptops, let’s go through some tips that’ll make your laptop experience even better.

Battery Life: More Juice

Desktop computers still have several advantages over laptops, one of them being that desktop computers don’t run out of battery life after 6 or so hours. Unfortunately, using your laptop long enough will result in a much needed recharging, which becomes an impossibility when you’re on the road and there’s not an outlet in sight.

One method you can use to keep your battery from dying too quickly is to dim your screen to its lowest configuration. Your laptop’s screen sucks up the most power, so if you don’t need a super bright screen, dim it down to conserve battery juice.

Backup, Backup, Backup!

Because of the fact that laptops were designed to be portable and carried around, your chances of dropping your laptop are much greater than knocking over your desktop tower. Because of the sensitivity of hard drives, a good drop on concrete can wreak havoc on your storage drives; a hard drive crash is a nightmare to deal with, believe me.

Bearing this in mind, it’s always a good idea to back up your data whenever you can. You can easily shuttle data back and forth via thumb drives or CD-R/DVD. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so be sure to back up your data on your laptop on a regular basis.

Laptop Security

Always take care when connecting to an open wireless network. Install a robust firewall, like ZoneAlarm, and make sure that you set its security settings high to get the best protection. Folder sharing on an open network is just asking for trouble, so make sure you turn this setting and others like it off.

Because of the compact size of laptops, they’re really easy to steal, so always know your laptop’s whereabouts. Encrypting your laptop’s hard drive can give you peace of mind; if your laptop gets stolen, as least the files residing on your hard drive are encrypted and cannot easily be viewed or accessed.

Fend Off the Heat

Laptops can get hot after a few hours of usage and can get very uncomfortable if its sitting on your lap. They sell laptop sleeves that’ll keep the heat away from your skin. If anything, get an old shirt and place it under so your skin isn’t in direct contact with the escaping heat.

Desktop PCs take up desk space, and even with flat LCDs quickly replacing all CRT monitors, flat screens still take up precious desktop space. The portability and compactness of laptops make them so convenient; follow the tips above to make your laptop experience more enjoyable.

Pc Doc Pro is one of the best registry cleaning software which provide us all knowledge about how to use laptop, laptop security tips, how to protect laptop and useful laptop tips.

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