Tuesday, January 20, 2009

PCDOCPRO: Get Resolve Internet Explorer Error

Finding and Repairing Internet Explorer Errors

As all of January 2009, Microsoft Internet explorer had a 72% share of the PC browser market. While IE's market share has declined over the past five years with the introduction of browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Opera, it is still the dominant player in the browser market. That dominance, however, doesn't come without some significant drawbacks for IE browser users.

Its huge popularity has made Internet Explorer the primary target for Mal lawyer including viruses, worms, and Trojans. What this means is that with each new release or upgrade, Internet Explorer's users have to contend not only with bugs in the new IE programming; they may be facing an entire new generation of viruses and other malicious threats.

Ironically, however, many of the patches and security operates which Microsoft has released in order to protect IE users from now where have often caused additional problems for them. These problems may surface as PCs which freeze, respond more slowly, or keep flashing error messages. When your PC through the error message your way, it will normally give you two options: you can either keep running program, and pretend the problem doesn't exist; or you can close the program. The error message, in most cases, will also provide you with a reason why the error has occurred.

If an error message tells you what's causing the error, you're in a position to look for a fix. There are many instances, however, when the error message you are getting will not identify the reason for your problem. For three extremely common in Internet Explorer errors, this is the case

Common Internet Explorer Errors

Sometimes an error message will not pinpoint the exact cause of the problem and this is the case for some of the of the most common Internet Explorer errors, including those in the following list:

Page cannot be displayed

Seeing a red X instead of graphics

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

402 - Payment Required

403 - Forbidden

404 - Not Found

405 - Method Not Allowed

406 - Not Acceptable

407 - Proxy Authentication Required

408 - Request Timeout

409 - Conflict

410 - Gone

411 - Length Required

412 - Precondition Failed

413 - Request Entity Too Large

414 - Request-URI Too Long

415 - Unsupported Media Type

416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable

417 - Expectation Failed

500 - Internal Server Error

501 - Not Implemented

502 - Bad Gateway

503 - Service Unavailable

505 - HTTP Version Not Supported

The reason the error messages for the series does not try to pinpoint a cause is that all of them can be the result of a number of underlying causes. Following are some of the most common reasons for these errors, and possible fixes:

Problem: Your IE browser has a bug

Fix: Reinstall your IE browser with the latest version. Download all the latest security updates. Run a registry scan clear your registry of any files left from your old IE.

Problem: Your PC has been infected with adware or spyware

Solution: Use a proven adware in spyware removal program to scan and clean your PC. Follow up by scanning and cleaning your system registry with a proven registry cleaning tool

Problem: Adding or removing a program as affected your PC’s performance

Fix: Install the program a second time, and then remove it. Use a registry cleaning tool first to scan your Windows registry for any left over file fragments and drivers, and then to remove them.

Problem: IE can't find a site because it has been removed from the Internet

Fix: Wait a few days and try to reach the site again, or search for its a URL in your search engine cache.

Problem: Insufficient RAM

Fix: Use your Task Manager to shut down any unnecessary applications in Windows. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to open Task Manager for a look at all the programs, including the background programs, which are running and using your memory. Close the ones you don't need. Using a registry cleaning tool to free space on your Windows registry will also free up RAM.

Problem: Your PC has been infected with a virus or worm

Fix: Run a good antivirus program to remove the virus. After ensuring that you have you have installed all the latest security updates, scan and clean your Windows registry with a good registry cleaner tool.

Problem: Insufficient Space on Hard Drive

Fix: go into your cache and delete the temporary files. Empty your recycle bin. Scan your PC using a good spyware and adware scanning tool. Run a registry cleaner to remove or repair any redundant registry entries.

The Internet explorer browsers of today are far more stable than their predecessors, and you'll almost never have to worry about those PC-crashing kernel 32.dll or wininet.dll.

The Best Way to Avoid Internet Explorer Errors

As you can see from our above list of fixes, an essential part of keeping your PC and IE browser error-free is to frequently scan and clean your Windows registry. As you continue to use your PC, your registry will become cluttered with redundant, erroneous, and fragmented files. One great registry cleaning tool is PC Doc Pro. Using it on a regular basis will not only eliminate most PC problems; it can also repair those annoying IE browser issues!

PCDOCPRO is one of the best registry cleaner software which help us to make our pc faster and resolve our basic problems like internet explorer error etc.

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