Friday, November 28, 2008

PC Doc Pro vs RegClean

RegClean vs PC Doc Pro

Don’t confuse RegClean with PC Doc Pro, they are not the same thing. Yes, RegClean can help you clean up your registry and it’s free but that doesn’t make it perfect. In fact there are some Microsoft products that RegClean won’t even work with. You could run into trouble with some third party software programs, spyware components, drivers, preferences, and hardware entries. PC Doc Pro on the other hand is easier to use and more comprehensive.

It’s also important to note that RegClean will not get rid of all registry problems. It will only work with those located in "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT". This can leave behind the very things that are causing the errors and other problematic issues.

Another thing that RegClean can’t do is fix a corrupt registry. This is an important thing to understand because it could mean that RegClean won’t solve your problems. It will also leave behind files that it doesn’t know what to do with and these could be the very files leaving you with a system determined to crash at any given opportunity.

Now that we have looked at some of the negative aspects of RegClean, let’s take a look at the good points, there are plenty of them. The fact that it’s free is important; it means everyone can try to fix their registry problems on their own without breaking the bank.

But if you want to get the most our of your registry download PC Doc Pro for Windows. This is the fastest, the simplest an most important program you will ever own. It will clean your registry in ways that RegClean can’t and in just a few clicks of the mouse.

Again here are some of the reasons that PC Doc Pro is for you:

» New programs are frequently installed and uninstalled

» Incorrect uninstalling

» Your registry has embedded third party programs and these may revive themselves every time you boot up

» A hardware install/uninstall has taken place

» There are unnecessary and undeleted drivers on your system

It is true that there is no need to waste your time to found registry cleaning software PC Doc Pro is one of the best registry cleaning software which provides you complete solution of slow pc problems and window registry cleaning software.

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